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  • Sandra unterwegs in Asien

    Die Metropolen dieser Welt sind seit vielen Jahren Sandra Rauchs zweites Zuhause.  Mittlerweile hat sie auch die Weltmeere für sich entdeckt. Vom 18. März bis zum 2. April wird sie an Bord der AIDAbella Ost- und Südostasien bereisen. In Shanghai wird sie direkt gegenüber dem ikonischen Oriental Pearl Tower, dem 468 Meter hohen Fernsehturm, aufwachen. Außerdem freut sie sich auf Bangkok und Hongkong. Insbesondere die südchinesische Weltstadt gehört seit vielen…

  • Sandra Rauch im Schweizerhof in Berlin

      Hier könnt Ihr Euch bis 22. September anmelden, ich freue mich auf Euch.   BLEND_Rueckmeldung_Vernissage_PRINT  

  • SpringSaloon for Gallery Weekend Berlin

    SpringSaloon got more! We got music and art, art and art for the SpringSaloon 2016. FRIDAY APRIL, 29 START 7 pm THE HIGHLIGHTS OF THE NIGHT ********************************************************************************************************* Sandra Rauch and Jens Becker present new work. Folk Singer Simon Fagan opens the event. And later on, we will be dancing with Volker Stein and DJ Rolle. ********************************************************************************************************* Look forward to a Special surprise this year! *********************************************************************************************************

  • Welcome Live at Kunstsalon Europa!

    We are on Air at Kunstsalon Europa! Coffee and Art – that’s how we keep on working. The best barista in town showed us how to make Cappuccino and Latte Macchiato right. If you want to get to know more about our work at the Kunstsalon Europa and how our artists are working – have a look on our new LiveCam. SalonTV is on now.  

  • SpringSalon // Friday-April 29 // SAVE THE DATE

    ★★★ WILD WILD WEST ★★★ Latest artworks are on display by Sandra Rauch. Save the Date for a fabulous convention of Tec Art lovers and artists. On April 29th at Kunstsalon Europa. We start at 7pm.   BBQ // Cowboys // Afterparty //

  • Sandra Rauch preparing for Art tour on AIDAmar

    From Jamaica to Hamburg Sandra Rauch is going on another Art tour on AIDAmar and has exciting new work in her suitcase From 9th until 27th of february, Sandra will be again on Art tour on AIDAmar introducing her series “Urban art” on acrylic. Megacities as a sypmphony of colors, layers and details! Exclusively for AIDA, she has designed the “I was here collection” – a collection of multi layered…


    It’s been another wonderful year at Kunstsalon Europa in which we have created a lot of wonderful art for you. We gained new partners and expanded our team to better service you. As we close down to enjoy the Christmas holidays, we would like to thank you all for your support and enthusiasm this past year and wish everyone a wonderful Christmastime with your friends and family! *** Es war wieder ein…

  • Kunstsalon preparing for Art Basel Miami Beach

    Art Basel Miami, Kunstsalon is coming The Kunstsalon team is preparing for its annual trip to Art Basel Miami Beach, taking place from December 3 – 6, 2015. We are very excited to go to one of the greatest art fairs again and expect to see a lot of interesting art and people. Sandra Rauch will be presenting new pieces out of her series GOLD RUSH CITIES. She is also…

  • Sandra Rauch – New Book

    New Book at Lumas Sandra Rauch | Love Magic Superman DE|FR|EN Lumas has just released Sandra Rauch | Love Magic Superman with many colourful pictures of her greatest and newest pieces, accompanied by an interview. “Sandra Rauch bereist die Metropolen dieser Welt und überträgt ihre ganz persönliche Wahrnehmung des pulsierenden Lebens in farbenprächtige Werke. Begleiten Sie die Künstlerin durch den urbanen Dschungel und erfahren Sie mehr über ihre außergewöhnliche Arbeitsweise.”…

    MY LOGBOOK By Sandra Rauch

    Sandra Rauch From Berlin to New York as visiting artist on AIDA cruises Sandra Rauch has been visiting artist from Berlin to New York on Aida cruise ship. The tour went via Reykjavik and Greenland. See her steps from presenting her colourful and poppy cityscapes acrylics at the Late Night Show on AIDAbella and a special artist talk, walking to waterfalls on Island, further to vast Greenland and finally entering…